Jive Software to SharePoint Online Migration

Do you have both Jive Software and Microsoft 365?

If so, you can save a considerable amount of money by migrating your Jive intranet to SharePoint online, which is already included in your Microsoft 365 subscription.

Please review our options for data/content migration and choose the one that meets your needs.

All prices below are in USD.



12 ¢ per object  8 ¢ per object Spring 2023 Sale

28 ¢ per object  18 ¢ per object Spring 2023 Sale

$500 consulting fee$1,000 consulting fee
$20 per place/site$20 per place/site
Landing Pages×△ (best effort redesign according to old design or agreed about new design)
Binary Files (inlcuding  photos)✔️✔️
Blog Posts✔️✔️
External Links✔️✔️
Internal Links△ (search links to title only)✔️ (all internal links to be updated to new links where target objects were also migrated.)
Owner Permissions✔️✔️
Member Permissions×✔️
Follow Permissions×× (not offered at this time)

Please fill out our content migration survey, and we will get back to you with more information.